CUSD 308
Current District Superintendent
Dr. Andalib Khelghati
(630) 636-3080
Advanced Academic Programs:
This graph displays the percentage of students who are enrolled in Advanced Academic Coursework. The exact numbers can be listed below the graph by selecting the “Show Data Table” toggle. Learn More
Advanced Academic Coursework includes courses in a variety of categories, all of which may or may not be offered within an individual school or district:
Advanced Academic Coursework
IB Coursework
Enriched or Honors Coursework
Dual-Credit Coursework
Upon completion of an AP course, students may choose to take the corresponding AP Exam. Illinois state law PA 99-0358 provides that a student who takes a College Board Advanced Placement examination and receives a score of 3 or higher on the examination is entitled to receive postsecondary level course credit at an Illinois public institution of higher education. This law requires each public institution of higher education to comply with the same standard of awarding course credit to any student receiving a score of 3 or higher on a College Board Advanced Placement examination and applying the credit to meet a corresponding course requirement for degree completion at that institution of higher education.