Current Principal
Mr. Jim Carver
Current District Superintendent
Dr. Brian Brink
1638 COUNTY ROAD 1000 N
PHILO IL 61864
(217) 684-5218
Summative Designation Meta Indicator Components:
The percentage of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students who have received at least one A or B (or commensurate standards) and no grade of D and F (or commensurate standards) in core content courses in the current academic year. Learn More
The accountability system has meta-indicators that are currently being validated for use as indicators within the summative designation calculations in future years. These include the College and Career Readiness indicator (CCRI), Fine Arts indicator, P-2 indicator, and Elementary/Middle indicator. In 2024 the components of the P-2 indicator and Elementary/Middle indicators are being added to the Illinois Report Card for the first time. The Illinois Report Card is not reporting an overall calculation, but rather the sub-elements of the indicator calculations.