Current Principal
Mrs. Cassie Nelson
Current District Superintendent
Mrs. Angela Simmons Kenser
20325 N STATE ROUTE 97
CUBA IL 61427
(309) 785-7122
Dropout Rate:
This graph shows the percentage of students by grade who are removed form the local enrollment roster before the end of a school term. Learn More
Dropouts include students in grades 9-12 whose names have been removed for any reason, including moved not known to be continuing, transfer to GED-program, and aged out. The percentage does not include death, extended illness, graduation/completion of a program of studies, transfer to another public/private/home school, or expulsion.
The most significant disadvantage high school dropouts face is lower expected income. Without a high school diploma, a person will find enrolling in a college or trade school to be difficult or even impossible. The increased likelihood of low income, along with the lowered possibility of higher education and career opportunities, tends to make high school dropouts more susceptible to crime, substance abuse, and other characteristics of poverty.
Districts that are successful in lowering the dropout rate usually follow a program of identifying the potential at-risk students, implementing interventions, and changing any factors that can be controlled at the school level.