Current Principal
Mr. Matthew Magnafici
Current District Superintendent
Mrs. Margo Empen
DIXON IL 61021
(815) 253-4966
PARCC (2016-2018):
This screen displays the Composite (ELA and Math) score for the school or district compared to other schools within the district and state. Learn More
Scatterplots show how the selected school compares to the other schools within the district and the state. This screen displays the Composite (ELA and Math) score for the school or district. This includes all grades for the PARCC assessment. The default scatterplot shows the percentage of students that met or exceeded on PARCC and are considered Ready for the Next Level; and the percentage of a demographic group of students. The numbers on the vertical line indicate the academic performance level of the students. The numbers on the horizontal line are the percentages for the demographic or comparison item selected; (Example: low income or ethnicity). You can customize the information you are viewing. Use the drop down menus above the graph to choose the comparison item and the year. You can also look at English Language Arts (ELA) or Math scores individually by clicking on that selection. To view specific grade levels, click on the drop down menu that says Summary. (Note: The Comparison Item, EAV= Equalized Assessed Valuation appears only at the district level.)
On the scatterplot, the red triangle represents the selected school. Black circles indicate other schools within the district at the level selected. (See More options) The light blue dots are all the other schools/districts in the state with the same selected grade levels. Hover over any of the shapes to view an informational pop up box. This will display the school/district name, comparison item, and percentage Ready for the Next Level. From the pop up box you can also click on View Report to go directly to that school/district's report. Double click anywhere on the scatterplot to activate the zoom feature. This allows more precise school selection within a particular area of the graph. To return to the default view, click the refresh icon at the upper right corner of the scatterplot.