SD U-46
Current Principal
Avelira Gonzalez
Current District Superintendent
Dr. Suzanne Johnson
ELGIN IL 60120
(847) 888-5100
PARCC (2016-2018):
The display allows you to see the comparison of test results between demographic groups. Learn More
The graph displays the percentage of students who achieved scores in the following PARCC performance level categories:
Level 1 Dark Orange - did not yet meet expectations
Level 2 Light Orange - partially met expectations
Level 3 Yellow - approached expectations
Level 4 Light Green - met expectations
Level 5 Dark Green - exceeded expectations
This is a zero-based graph. The percentage of students Ready for the Next Level are shown to the right of the zero line. The percentage of students in other levels are shown to the left of the zero line.
The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career (PARCC) tests are designed to measure performance against rigorous standards. The tests go beyond multiple choice questions and require students to use skills like analyzing, problem solving, and writing effectively. All of these skills are necessary in order for students to be successful in the real world.
Students who met or exceeded expectations are likely to be on track for the next grade level and ultimately for college and career readiness.
The PARCC results will also be used to measure student growth for school and district accountability.