SD U-46
Current Principal
Avelira Gonzalez
Current District Superintendent
Dr. Suzanne Johnson
ELGIN IL 60120
(847) 888-5100
9th Grade on Track
This displays the number of 9th Grade on Track in this school. The percentage of 9th Grade on Track is shown by the bold sections of each ring. Click on View Trends to see long term data. Learn More
Students identified as “on track” have earned at least five full-year course credits (10 semester credits) and have earned no more than one semester “F” in a core course (English, math, science, or social science). Course credits from summer sessions are not included in this calculation. 9th Grade on Track is a key predictor of high school success. Students who finish the ninth-grade year on track are almost four times as likely to graduate from high school as students who are not on track. Research shows that the number of students on track and the graduation rate rise when schools actively intervene by identifying freshmen at risk and providing tutoring, additional instruction, and other individualized services.